Fremont 5 CTC is now Western Weber CTC
The organization and creation of Fremont 5 CTC began in 2015 and really got underway as a coalition in 2018. We were created to serve the areas that feed into Fremont High School including Farr West, Hooper, Marriott-Slaterville, Plain City, West Haven, and the unincorporated areas of western Weber County.
This coming August, Weber School District will open 3 new schools and all of them fall in Fremont 5's geographical boundaries. Due to limited capacity, it was been decided that Fremont 5 CTC will continue to cover the same geographical area and will serve both Fremont High School’s communities as well as the new West Field High School and its communities.
In an effort to be inclusive and recognize the prevention, empowerment, and good our Communities that Care (CTC) Coalition can provide to both communities, Fremont 5 has changed their name to Western Weber CTC.
We hope this new name encapsulates our goals and who we aim to serve. We want to work together with ALL our families, neighborhoods, and communities to teach resilience and promote healthy behaviors among all youth and also all adults. It takes a village to raise a child and Western Weber is an amazing village!
If you have any question please Contact Us